Pregnancy Progression Series | Week 33 |Family Photos | Clayton, NC Maternity Photographer

It’s starting to get that crisp chill in the air as we approach Christmas time!!  So we opted to do the family maternity session indoors with all the decorations!  The fireplace was nice and toasty and the tree made it feel so homy!  I can’t believe that the countdown to baby is SO close!!  I’m pretty sure everyone is ready to meet baby “B” very soon!!





Downtown Living |Family Love|Clayton, NC Lifestyle Photographer

After living in Clayton for 3 years I’ve learned one thing.  That this is a GREAT community to live in!  It’s amazing that once you get to know one person that it explodes into hundreds!

Karel and Jessica are a huge part of the Clayton community.  Karel is right on Main St. with Clayton Chiropractic!  (Which I personally recommend!)

They loved the downtown atmosphere so much that they purchased their own home, just a few blocks away!  I was SO excited when we decided to do their session at their home and nearby!  Nothing makes your session more “YOU” than your own home and community where you live, work, and play in!

I adored “playing” with their two sweet boys, capturing them and their personalities!  Not to mention, the amazing fall colors and amber sunlight made it all perfect!

Please message me if you’re interested in your own session for the New Year!





July 18, 2016 - 12:21 am

Sue Kaneski - Love the variety of family photos! Awesome!

Color-Fall Family Photos |Natural Family Photography | Clayton, NC Family Photographer

To say I was excited to shoot this family was an understatement!  I knew from the get go we were going to have lots of laughs and fun!  Two EXTREMELY cute boys and their parents who obivously still adored each other.  Everything turned out SO wonderfully!  Shannon had painstakingly planned their outfits, we had great weather, beautiful sunlight, and Mother Nature provided us with some great colors!

So….with that being said, I obviously have an over-abundance of amazing photos to share from their session!

If you’re interested in your own family session, please contact me!  I’d love to hear from you!




November 28, 2014 - 5:04 pm

Shannon - As the mom looking for the right pictures with young children who don’t look when you say look and don’t wanna smile when you say smile I was impressed with our pictures! Kim took her time and always seemed to find the right spot for each picture! She captured our happiness and our love for our family in all of our pictures! We were very happy with each one! Thank you Kim!!

November 29, 2014 - 12:14 am

Kimberly Dierkhising - Awwww, thanks Shannon! I truly adored your boys! And y’all really made your session fun! Thanks SO much for your kind words! I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to shoot you and your family!

Pregnancy Progression Series | Week 31 | Go Bucks | Clayton, NC Maternity Photographer

I lost track of what our fruit/veg was for 31 weeks, but we’ll just go with an itty bitty Ohio Buckeye fan!!  I loved that Lura incorporated her love for her team into this weeks session.  I can assure you that this little girl will be dressed in Ohio apparel!!

And Kitty just had to photo bomb a few photos and get her pets in too!

It is kind of sad that we only have a few more weeks left before Baby B makes her arrival!!



Lynch Family | Fall Family Photos |Clayton, NC Family Photographer

I was super excited to finally meet the newest addition to the Lynch family and his momma!  We decided to head out to the forest for some beautiful fall family photos.  Kelli did a great job coordinating outfits, and also brought along a great little rocking chair that was hers from when she was little.  I love the personal items in photos it adds so much sentiment.  Dad did a great job keeping him smiley (most of the time).  Baby C was such a champ too, and had definitely earned his nap at the end!

