Wellness Wednesday | Make Some Memories | Clayton, NC Family Photographer

This past weekend we were finally able to get away for a couple of days!  So, we headed to one of our favorite places; Kure Beach, NC!

We packed up the SUV with everything we needed to stay one night in our tent at Ft. Fisher.  For only $10 a night you can’t beat that!

I think it is important to do things together as a family.  Going places, doing things, just breaking the norm for a couple of days to experience, relax, and simply enjoy life.  It dawned on me the other day as I was folding laundry how quickly my girls are growing up, and before I know it they will be grown; my house will be empty.  I want them to have amazing memories of their childhood; of all the things that we have seen and done together.  And just not trips and vacations, but the everyday moments too.  (Luckily they’ll have lots of photos to look back on making it easier to recollect!)

I truly believe that being in the moment, being grateful for all your blessings is one of the true keys to happiness.  Now get out there!  Make some memories!  Take some photos around the house, enjoy life, be present in the moment before they are gone.

So, I’ll share with you a few photos I took on our little excursion and be sure to make your own memories.


Take Care of Yourself!



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Making memories fishing with Dad.


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Of course I enjoy taking photos of my surroundings! Especially when they’re so beautiful!  I really have an awful memory, so for me having these photos truly helps me remember; the sights, sounds, even how I felt.


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I’m only slightly obsessed with this photo.  This tree was right where we set up out tent.  It was the PERFECT climbing tree.  These branches grew together, intertwining at the top, to form the perfect little heart shape frame around my little cutie pie.


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The minute we pulled into the parking lot we ran to see if the “PERFECT” tent spot was taken.  Obviously it was NOT!  The amount of joy and excitement we had about scoring the best tent site right on the water, with a climbing tree was unmeasurable!


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May 20, 2015 - 8:23 pm

Tabitha Rhea Photography - Beautiful photos!

Wellness Wednesday|Mind Over Matter|Clayton, NC Family Photographer

Every night our coach posts the WOD for the next day.  There is always some amount of excitement and anticipation which is usally followed up by more excitement, joy, relief or dread.  Today’s WOD was definitely dread.  At least for me personally.  I don’t know why I dislike this WOD so much, but I just do.  The first time I did it, I thought to myself, “this is going to be a piece of cake”; because on paper it sounded fairly easy. Boy was I wrong!  This is one of those workouts that you have to go to that “dark place”.  It is a mental workout.



I did this workout back in February of 2014; the first time it was programmed. I took on the challenge of doing RX+, which for the ladies is 35lb. kettlebells.  UGH!  My time was 33:45.  Once I turned the corner into the gym from the one mile, I immediately dropped my kettlebells.  I was at the breaking point of having tears in my eyes.  I don’t remember how many times I had to do burpees because there were a LOT of stops!  My forearms burned, my shoulders ached, my skin on my hands felt like it was scrunching up and all I could think about was how relieved I was that I had finally finished!


When I arrived today all I could think about was not thinking about how awful this was the first time I did it.  I was hoping to improve my time from the first time.  I was mentally preparing myself for what was ahead.  My goal was to make it past the point of where I stopped to do my first set of burpees from the year before.  So, I strapped on my wrist supports and stuck some chalk in them so I could “chalk up”, after every stop/set of burpees.  I picked up my kettlebells and lined up with my fellow crossfitters/athletes/friends/family and …. “3, 2, 1 GO!”  This was now the point of no return.  As, I passed the the point of where I stopped for the first time last year I was relieved and kept going, to hang onto those kettlebells just a little bit longer, and not give in!


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Of course my forearms were every bit of throbbing, and I don’t think I have ever looked forward to doing burpees more.  (I actually really like doing burpees in any circumstance) It was a welcome “break” from the weight that I was carrying.  That was just it.  We all have that “weight” we are carrying in our daily lives.  We need to push ourselves to go a little further on some days more than others.  And one of the number one reasons why I love CrossFit; specifically CrossFit Clayton is because you will never carry that weight alone.


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During the 11 a.m. class today there was support for everyone; whether they finished first or last.  Our amazing coach got on her bike and was with each of us at multiple times during our workout.  Not only our coach but each one of us in that class today offered up words of encouragement to one another along the way.  Teammates that had already finished went back to those still working; walking along side them and doing burpees with them AFTER they had already completed the workout.  This was definitely a “no man left behind” workout.


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I am happy to report that with the help, encouragement and motivation of my teammates I was able to go further, push harder and ultimately do WAY less burpees than last year! This time around my time was 27:21! Almost a 6 minute PR!  I talked to myself in my head, “just make it past (insert certain object, sign, tree, sidewalk…).  Sometimes, you just need to put yourself there mentally.  This workout is definitely a “mind over matter” workout.  You just HAVE to do it.  And you HAVE to finish.  The feeling of relief when your feet cross that “finish” line is unsurmountable!  The feeling of accomplishment of not giving up can definitely bring you to tears.  Sometimes not only do we need that push physically, but mentally; not only in our fitness regimes but in our daily lives.  What is holding you back?  What do you have to do, to achieve “mind over matter”? Go there.


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Take Care of Yourself!





May 13, 2015 - 8:37 pm

Tabitha Rhea Photography - I especially appreciate that quote – I often find myself struggling in the mornings with working out so it’s a good reminder!

Wellness Wednesday|What’s In The Bag?|Clayton, NC Lifestyle Photographer

A lot of times I get asked what do I use when I work out?  Shoes, gear, and all the little extras for everything after and in between.

I thought it would be easiest just to list it all with photo examples, so here we go!

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A.  Brooks Pure Connect.  These are my running shoes.  They always say there is the right tool for the job so yes I need different shoes for different types of fitness activities.  I like these because they have good support in the arches (which I need because I have a higher arch), are lightweight, and overall pretty comfortable.  Plus you can’t beat one of my favorite colors!  MINT!

B.  Reebok CrossFit Lifters.  These are designed to have a very flat footbed and to help you keep your weight in your heels.  This is really good for any type of Olympic weight lifting really… deadlifts, snatches, cleans, squats, presses.  I’m not sure if it was the shoes or me getting stronger, but I wore them for the second time yesterday and got a PR of 10 pounds on my power clean!  I recently purchased these from our Reebok outlet for $99 on clearance (cashier gave me an additional 10% off coupon that they had making them $89!), plus it was buy one pair of shoes get another 1/2 off so then I bought the shoes pictured as letter C.!

C.  Reebok CrossFit Nano 4.  Every Tuesday and Thursday my oldest daughter has swim, so I thought I’d swing into the Reebok outlet to see if they had any new nanos in stock.  I had really needed a new pair as my old Nano 3’s were starting to look a little rough.  I did NOT care for any of the women’s colors.  So, I thought maybe the junior’s would fit me…turns out I was right!  I wear a women’s 7.5, but in junior’s I wear a 5.5.  So, not only did I score an awesome color pair of Nanos.  They were $10 cheaper than the women’s.  So, I bought the lifters and the nanos for SUPER cheap!  Nanos are my go to shoe for everyday workouts CrossFit-ing.  They have a flat footbed which is helpful for lifts, kettlebell swings, and movements that you don’t want to have squishy type of footbed that most athletic shoes have.  They also have a reinforced toe which is helpful for pushups, box jumps, burpees, wall climbs, handstand pushups and every other movement that would require banging your toes on or against something.  The middle of the shoe is designed perfectly for rope climbs and descending the rope.  By far the most essential shoe out of all three.  I wouldn’t suggest running a marathon in these, but you can definitely do a mile or two.


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A. Schiek Weightlifting Belt.  I recieved this as a gift for Christmas.  It is great to help give you that extra support with most lifts.  I usually wear mine for deadlifts and squats.

B. RX Gear (RX Jump Ropes) Custom jump rope.  This is a must when learning your double unders, or if you’re in the market for a good quality jump rope.  You can choose your color handles, the legth, width and color of your cable.  I chose a heavier weighted cable just so I could feel where my rope was.  I also bought a lighter weight replacement cable, but just haven’t been able to get the feel of that one just yet.  I highly recommend these ropes!  I definitely feel like it helped me learn my double unders quicker and am now more efficient with them having a rope that is meant for my height.

C. Thiry One Tote.  I had purchased this and had meant to give it away as a baby shower gift but ended up doing something different for the gift.  So, this became my gym bag. It works great with all the little pockets.  I can easily find my keys, store my phone, and it fits everything pictured and then some!  Netted side pockets are great for my water bottles too!

D. Atheletic Tape.  This covers a multitude of things.  From taping my knuckles on tire flipping days, to my thumbs for on power cleans, and my shin on rope climbing days.  I used to tape my hands for pullups, toes to bar, and anything that would ruin my hands.  But, I purchased some amazing grips that work a gazillion times better than tape that would roll up!

E. Wodies by JerkFit.  These are an amazing little grip that also double with built in wrist support.  These bad boys take you from pullups, to toes to bar, to kettlebell swings, to muscle ups, and oly lifts without your hands becoming shredded pieces of meat.  I did however have to cut off a pair of light socks to wear underneath on my wrists so they wouldn’t become rubbed raw.  I wish I would’ve bought these MUCH much sooner than I did.  They are spendy.  But, compared to other grips out there, I’d say these are very much worth it.

F. RX Gear Wrist Support.  I actually won 6 pair of these!  So, 5 friends and I scored these from just guessing the right number on their Friday giveaways on Facebook.  These are good with all wrist intensive movements.  Push press, jerks, front squats, you name it.  I don’t always wear these, especially if the weight is lighter.  So, they are nice to have but I am glad they were free!  I also made myself a pair of wrist-wraps from some thick fabric and non-slippery shoelaces that work really well too!

G.  C9 Lifting Gloves.  I used to wear these often, but have come to not really like them a whole lot.  I’d rather feel the bar on my hands.  So, now they get used if I have a tear and don’t want to aggravate it further.  Otherwise, not a huge essential in my book.


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A.  10lb. Weighted Vest.  There are times that a WOD will require a vest, so it is nice to have your own.  But, it is great for running in, doing squats, or pullups.  Really great to just have to give yourself a challenge.

B. 35lb. Kettlebell.  I got this for mother’s day last year along with some workout clothes.  There are so many movements that you can do using this little bugger!  Obviously kettlebell swings, lunges, squats, situps and probably a whole bunch more that I can’t think of at the moment.  I think for something at home that is an effective weight object this does a great job being versitile!

C.  Ab Wheel.  This simple little object works your core like non other.  Simply, put your hands on the handles while on your kneels and slowly roll away from your body and then pull yourself back in.  Voila’ abs of steel!  It was maybe $10 at TJ Maxx.


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A. Paralette Handles.  These aren’t a huge necessity, and actually had forgot about them…that’s why they weren’t pictured in the above photo.  These are good for L-sits which work your core like non other!  They are also great for deficet pushups.  I’m sure they have other uses too, but that is what I use them for.  Again, not a must.  But, hey they were also under $10, so why not?


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A. The Stick.  You may as well just call this a mid-evil torture device.  This is used to roll over those amazing sore muscles.  And let me tell you the pain and suffering this causes me.  Especially rolling them over tight quads and hamstrings.  But, non the less a great tool for recovery and torture…if you’re into that kind of thing.

B. Yoga Mat.  I use this if I ever do yoga (duh), for stretching or at home wods that require situps or something of that sort.  Its pretty pink color, thick squishiness, and carrying handle make it great to have for at home workouts!  And again, under $10!!!

C.  Stretching Strap.  I don’t use this often however it was also free (thanks to my hubby scoring a 90% or higher on his PT test), so it is great for stretching out those hamstrings.  I still have to look up the other stretches to do with it.  But, again…incorporating stretching and mobility into your day or post workout will lessen your chances of injury.

D. Foam Roller.  I LOVE this thing, and hate it all at the same time.  I roll out my back, my quads, my hamstrings, my lats, shoulders, hips, and pretty much anything you can stretch.  I really like that this is a stiff type of “foam” on the outside with the ridges and bumps, compared to an all foam roller.  This really is what I’d choose for a foam roller because it is soft, but firm all at the same time.


So there ya have it!  I have quite a bit of workout STUFF!  And, let’s not even begin to talk about my clothes.  I wear workout clothing 90% of the time!  If you’re curious about any of these items, just look them up on Facebook, Amazon, Google….you can pretty much find where to purchase them from those sources!

What is the ONE thing that you call a “must have” in your gear?


Take Care of Yourself!


May 7, 2015 - 1:06 pm

Tricia - Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your gear!! I’m not a Crossfit person, but it’s so helpful to see what other people use and what might benefit me in my own workouts!

May 9, 2015 - 5:03 pm

Tabitha Rhea Photography - Wow – can I just say that I am impressed!?!

My workout gear includes a few sets of dumbbells, some old running shoes (soon to be replaced thanks to Mother’s Day) and my favorite set of Lindsay Brin workout DVD’s! 🙂

May 11, 2015 - 9:23 pm

sarah cambio - Awesome post! I really love the look of the Reebok CrossFit Lifters. I have a Nike pair designed for lifting but can’t think of what they are called. I’ve never heard of ‘the stick’ lol! That’s awesome!

Wellness Wednesday|Be A Team Player | Clayton, NC Photographer

I can distinctively remember the first time I encountered CrossFit.  It was the grand re-opening of CrossFit Clayton and I had gone to watch and take a few photos of some of its members doing a WOD (workout of the day).  There were quite a few people doing the workout so there were multiple heats.  I was pretty sure burpees were included in this workout.  People of all shapes, sizes, ages, males and females were throwing themselves down onto the floor and then standing up quickly with a clap over their heads.  What is this non-sense?  And as I watched each individual push themselves through each movement, I also witnessed the comradery of the athletes that had already worked out or were on deck.  Giving the encouragement that was needed to push just a little harder, a little faster, and the positive reinforcement that was being given to the athletes’ efforts.

That was it for me.  That was the type of enviornment and group of people I wanted to surround myself with.  It didn’t matter if you had finished the workout first or last, you had a WHOLE group of fellow athletes and coaches encouraging you.  Wanting you to do better.  To be better.

There is something about doing helacious workouts with a group of people every day that makes you bond.  Your strenghts and weaknesses are exposed.  A multitude of emotions are felt on a weekly basis; pride, discouragement, pain, relief, success, accomplishments, excitement, humbleness, defeats…and nothing like having a bunch of people experience those things along side you to understand what you need to hear or be said.

There have been days that for me were very humbling, difficult, hard and I wanted to quit.  But, having your coach(es) and fellow athletes to support and encourage you makes all the difference in the world.

Same goes for being the cheerleader, I LOVE getting people pumped, or encouraging them to keep going.  To see my friends succeed in hitting a PR (personal record) on a workout or a lift is exciting!  To get that new gymanstics move or to beat a goal they’ve been working so hard for is so uplifting!

Unfortunately, not everyone feels the same way.  You may encounter those parasites in your gym, your work, group of friends…may I suggest you not focus on them.  There will always be someone somewhere that may not be as excited about your accomplishments.  No matter though, YOUR accomplishments are YOURS and celebrate them with those who uplift you just the same.

CrossFit is one of the only sports I have encountered where the person finishing last gets the most cheers.  Last year during the CrossFit games in Carson, CA during a WOD that had chest to bar pullups an athlete had a hard time completing his last few reps due to tearing his hand.  Another athlete took off his hand grip and gave it to the athlete so that he could have some relief between the bar and his skin and to finish the WOD.  Now, that is being a good sport!  Especially since they were competing against one another!  Check it out here on YouTube: CLICK here for video!

Not only have I witnessed the team building on a daily basis in my own gym, but through photographing multiple competitions.  I can truly attest to some great moments that I’ve captured on film, but have also been able to be litterally in the middle of it all!

So, I encourage each of you to make a difference in someone else!  Be a TEAM PLAYER!  Cheer for that person that is doing better than you (they need it too), cheer for the person giving it their all and everyone in between!  Show your support in whichever way you can, be it going to a competition, saying “hey great job today”,  or offering up some positive feedback!

“If you want to go fast go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb

Take Care of Yourself!


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Photos below are from the recent team competition in Goldsboro, “Battle of the Boro'”.  I went to cheer on my teammates competing despite the rain!  These are the types of people I choose to surround myself with!  A bunch of bad a**es, who know how to throw it down, and have a FUN time doing it!

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Wellness Wednesday | Give Me A Break | Clayton, NC Lifestyle Photographer

The pure thought of NOT going to CrossFit and getting my workout in is almost torture.  So, to tell myself that I need to give my body a “rest day” is not an easy task.  Of course thinking that if I “miss” a day that I am going to be missing out on making “gains”.  But, in fact it can be the exact opposite.

It occured to me the other night after another hellacious workout that my body was tired, my muscles were sore, and no matter how much I pushed them I wasn’t working out to my standard of performance.  I was beginning to feel frustrated with myself and disappointed in my workout performances.  Sure, I was completing the workouts and I was doing “something”, but I had totally forgotten that recovery is as equally important as training.

Too much training, lack of proper recovery and conditioning can lead to plateaus.  It can also lead you to injury.  And I certainly do not want the set back of an injury.  But, I also didn’t want the set back of a piss-poor attitude.  That is where I was heading.

Allowing myself to recover from my workouts I’ll experience adaptation to the imposed demands.  As my body compensates from the stresses of training, it will adapt by growing stronger, gaining power, and increasing its work capacity.  If I don’t allow myself any recovery time though, my body won’t adapt and I’ll just become frustrated. (Which I had).

So, today I decided to give myself a “day off” from the gym.  But, that does NOT mean that I won’t do something to be physically active.  I still need to get in my one mile run!  I’ll also include some stretching and maybe I’ll even find some yoga on YouTube later just to change things up!

Remember as hard is it may be, give yourself some recovery time, especially if you’ve been training hard for weeks on end!  It is just as important to have recovery days as it is to have training days.  I’m hoping that reminding myself to do this that I can see and feel improvements in my own workouts.

Take Care of Yourself!


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April 22, 2015 - 1:39 pm

Tricia - I love your Wellness Wednesday series! Even beyond working out, this is such an important reminder of why days off of work, school, schedules, etc. to rest are important!

April 22, 2015 - 1:45 pm

Tabitha Rhea Photography - I’m impressed! I have to say that I look forward to those “rest days” a little too much! 🙂

April 23, 2015 - 9:09 pm

sarah cambio - I just did yoga for the first time last week and really enjoyed it. Love the shot 🙂