Pregnancy Progression Series | 10 Weeks | Clayton, NC Maternity Photographer

Growing right along at 10 weeks!

At week 10 the baby is roughly the size of a kumquat (which we didn’t find any of at the common grocery stores), or a prune (which we used for the photos).

I loved how this dress fit as it started to show the very tiny rounding of a belly!  Not to mention how beautiful it looked on!!




Pregnancy Progression Series | 9 Weeks | Clayton, NC Maternity Photographer

Now that we have the pregnancy announcement shared, I am happy to share this week by week series of photos sharing in the growth of mama to be!

We decided to go a little fruity!  Every week the baby is compared to the size of a fruit.  At 9 weeks, the baby is a size of a grape!

As, I get caught up to the 14/15 week mark, make sure to stop in to see the beautiful weekly growth photos!  So, stay tuned as I back blog weeks 9-14/15!

And don’t forget to leave this pretty mama some love!!!


We’re Expecting! | Pregnancy Reveal | Clayton, NC Family and Maternity Photographer

I’m excited to share and announce with the Temesy family that they will be a family of FOUR in January!

We kept the announcement simple, and started out our photos with playing, to get Big Sister warmed up!  She brought her favorite stuffed kitty to join in on the fun too.  And it was all just too adorable.

I can’t wait to share the other week by week photos of growth so far into the pregnancy!  It is great to see just how much changes in 40 weeks!  Not to mention at the very end the little bundle that arrives!

Congratulation to the whole family!!




A Dog Is A Girl’s Best Friend | Clayton, NC Family Photographer

My friend Katie had received some bad news that her long time fur baby had a mass (most likely a tumor) on his stomach and that his days were coming to a close.  Since Katie is also a photographer she obviously couldn’t take photos of herself with her boy Boggs.  I was happy that she messaged me so we could capture some more happy moments between her, her pup and son.

It was one of the hardest sessions that I have had to photograph since I have such a soft spot for pets.  They have such an impact on our lives and families.  I hope that when the time comes that these photos will bring some peace and memories of all your happy times.

Lots of hugs!!!



Preschool Graduation | Christ Community | Clayton, NC Children’s Photographer

Wow!  I certainly can’t believe that my “baby” has graduated from preschool already!  I couldn’t have been happier with how loving, caring, and experienced her teachers at Christ Community were.  They definitely gave her the tools and experiences to get her prepared for Kindergarten.  They will be dearly missed, and I’ve already been asked when we can go visit her teachers again.  I’m excited and nervous for her to start Kindergarten this fall, but what am I going to do with myself while she is at school?  It is going to be so QUIET!  Ok, so lets be honest.  I’ll be a little sad at first.  But, just think of how I will be able to get the house clean and keep it that way longer than 5 minutes!  Or stay at the gym for a couple of hours instead of just one!  I’ve already weighed out the pros and cons from all of this.  But, one thing is for sure…I am so proud of my little pistol and all of her energy!  So, here are a few photos from her graduation ceremony as well as a few when we got home.
